

¿Cómo debería desarrollarse la ciudad en los próximos 20 años? ¿Cómo y dónde queremos vivir y trabajar? FuturoPiura esun equipo interdisciplinario en los campos de planificación urbana, arquitectura, arte, urbanismo y trabajo social, que representa un proceso participativo en la creación de espacios públicos con y para sus residentes. La pauta de FuturoPiura es el derecho a la ciudad, es decir el derecho de los habitantes urbanos a construir, decidir y crear la ciudad.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers.

Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below!

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Sociedad Urbana

Lima, la “Ciudad de los Reyes”, fué la urbe y capital más importante de los dominios españoles en América del Sur hasta mediados del siglo XVIII. por lo que posee numerosos monumentos arquitectónicos. Presenta un crecimiento urbano importante en la que se desarrollan dinámicas cotidianas que valen la pena recorrer para conocer parte de su historia.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers.

Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below!

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Colectivo Ciudad

La ciudad del Cusco por su antigüedad y trascendencia, posee mucho valor histórico, patrimonial y arquitectónico; declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1983 por la UNESCO; tiene la denominada de “Capital Histórica del Perú”. Es una ciudad intermedia, donde más del 50% de su población se desplaza caminando; sin embargo el modelo de movilidad imperante favorece a los modos motorizados. En estas circunstancias se enfrenta a grandes retos propios del siglo XXI, como la recuperación del espacio público, el fomento de un modelo de movilidad sostenible y la construcción de una ciudad inclusiva. Este 2019 nos sumarnos al festival anual de recorridos y conversaciones de a pie inspirados en las ideas de la activista Jane Jacobs; lo que nos permitirá como Colectivo, promover una mirada crítica del actual modelo de ciudad, fomentar la conciencia por la recuperación y apropiación del espacio público, y contribuir en la construcción de un nuevo tejido social donde el ciudadano tenga la prioridad en la ciudad.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers.

Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below!

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Edmonton, AB

Jane’s Walk Edmonton

Jane’s Walk Edmonton is organized by the City of Edmonton and a local organizing committee of volunteers from a variety of community organizations and citizens at large.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Susy Torres – Jane Camina Cix

Jane’s Walk Chiclayo is organized by Susy Torres – Jane Camina Cix. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, get in touch using the contact information below.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers.

Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below!

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Villa Elisa

Rocio Arami

Jane’s Walk Villa Elisa is organized by Rocio Arami. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, get in touch using the contact information below.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers.

Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below!

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Kuala Lampur


Jane’s Walk Kuala Lampur is organized by Urbanity. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, get in touch using the contact information below.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Penang Urbanites

Welcome to Jane’s Walk George Town! We are a movement of free, citizen-led walking tours inspired by Jane Jacobs, and based in Malaysia. If you would like to get in touch with us, do drop us an email at janeswalkgeorgetown@gmail.com.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Žemųjų Šančių bendruomenė

Jane’s Walk Kaunas is organized by Žemųjų Šančių bendruomenė. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, contact Žemųjų Šančių bendruomenė at sanciubendruomene@gmail.com

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Palatka, FL

Revitalize Historic Palatka

Jane’s Walk Palatka is organized by Revitalize Historic Palatka. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, get in touch using the contact information below.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?