

[dePASEOconJANE] es una actividad organizada por abc.asteiós en SANTANDER para conocer, en compañía de quienes acudan a estos paseos urbanos, las zonas de la ciudad quizá menos habituales. La dirección de contacto es

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Rochester, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills, and Pontiac, MI

Nicole Gibson

Jane’s Walk Rochester, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills, and Pontiac is organized by Nicole Gibson. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, get in touch using the contact information below or visit the Facebook page.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Lícia Cotrim 

Jane’s Walk in Aracaju is organized by Lícia Cotrim. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, get in touch using the contact information below.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers.

May 2019 – Aracaju como eu vejo!

City Organizer: Lícia Cotrim
Walk Leader: Marilza Honorato
Photographs by: Marilza Honorato e Sergio Gois

Segundo Jane Jacobs, caminhar pelo bairro e pela vizinhança é uma maneira de construir cidades mais humanas e sustentáveis. Através das caminhadas as pessoas podem refletir, compartilhar e questionar os espaços urbanos a sua volta. A rua é uma autêntica e complexa instituição social onde desde crianças aprendemos a socializar e construir comunidade. Se a rua acaba por privilegiar o automóvel por sobre o pedestre, ela morre e inicia-se o fim da cidade.

No dia em que se comemora o Jane’s Walk uma espécie de homenagem ao nascimento da escritora com uma caminhada em várias cidades ao redor do mundo, fui as ruas de Aracaju, para achar onde a veia pulsa e tentar entende-la. Durante uma hora, caminhei cerca de um quilometro, passando pela rua Laranjeiras, e suas travessas, pelo calçadão e seus comercio, rua do turista, Catedral Metropolitana, cruzei a rua Itabaianinha e praça Almirante Barroso.

Nessa caminhada notei que aos sábados a rotina do centro é diferente, as pessoas não vão ali apenas para trabalhar ou fazer compras, mas vão descontrair, socializar e se divertir. Aos sábados, em uma das travessas conhecida como beco do “Mijo”, um churrasquinho no meio do beco com mesas e cadeiras é ocupado por diversos pessoas de vários lugares e idades. Tanto na rua quanto nas travessas, existe um comercio grande voltado para beleza, são salões repletos de pessoas de todos os sexos, que buscam maneiras de levantar a autoestima.

Os mobiliários urbanos observados ao longo da rua, são bancos, que agregam as pessoas em rápidas conversas enquanto espera em frente as lojas. Embora não tendo visto lixo e entulhos na rua, senti falta de mais lixeiras espalhadas pelo caminho, as calçadas nesses pontos que caminhei estavam bem conservadas e seguiam um certo padrão. Tanto na praça da Catedral quanto na praça Almirante Barroso existem muitos monumentos, alguns conservados, alguns em reforma e outros tantos ocupados por moradores de rua.

Antes de mudar uma cidade é preciso conhece-la, procurar onde pulsa sua vitalidade, saber como as pessoas as vem e o que apreciam nela. Caminhar pelo centro, me fez descobrir coisas interessantes, mesmo não tendo um olhar tão apurado, compreendi que as pessoas ainda buscam a cidade como forma de socialização, de diversão e cultura e que a ocupação desses espaços é necessária para que a cidade não morra.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Waterloo Region, ON

Kae Elgie and Priyanka Khimasia 

Kae and Priyanka have been offering Jane’s Walks in Waterloo Region for over 10 years. Waterloo Region contains three cities, Kitchener Waterloo and Cambridge and several smaller towns.  To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, get in touch using the contact information below.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Guelph, ON

Ariel Stagni, Byron Ready and Adam Rutherford 

Skateboarding in Downtown Guelph 

“200 years of American technology has unwittingly created a massive cement playground of unlimited potential, but it was the minds of 11 year olds that could see that potential”       – Craig Stecyk 

Come walk with us for a unique opportunity to see downtown Guelph as skateboarders see it! All are invited to come learn about the rich cultural heritage of street skateboarding in downtown Guelph. 

Wait, there’s a history of skateboarding downtown? Why would people choose to skateboard downtown when the city has provided skateparks?

Please join us Sunday, May 5th at 1-3pm. Look for the skaters and the Jane’s Walk sign, at the entrance to the path next to the old Post Office building at 136 Wyndham St N. Walk will begin at 1pm and is expected to run for 2 hours, finishing at City Hall.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Tulia Leal

Jane´s Walk Guadalajara, está organizado por Tapatíos por la ciudad, para conocer más o unirte contáctanos a través de

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers.

May 2018 – Tapatíos por la ciudad

City Organizer: Tulia Leal

We had a walk with neighbors, friends, and students. Our goals were to explore, learn more about Jane Jacobs, explore Guadalajara’s heritage architecture, and make new friends. A few of our walkers were children who brought their pets. We heard stories about the past, about changes in the neighborhood (both positive and negative aspects), and about everyone’s experiences of the neighborhood. The university students especially want to go on more walks–they loved sharing and listening to stories and, of course, taking pictures!

May 2013 – ¡Camina tu barrio!, Mejor Santa Tere and Femibici

Story by: Mariel Rivera

This walk focused on local community building initiatives, some coordinated by the Mejor Santa Tere project. We visited a gallery-café hosting an exhibit of a participatory design, made by local kids, for the only park in the ‘hood, the Parque Clemente Orozco; we entered a house that transforms into a Community Music School once a week; we crossed through the market, capturing the gaze of pretty much everyone; we heard – under a tree in front of the local church – about the neighbourhood’s annual cultural festival, Inyectando Cultura; we continued to the Casa Ciclista, the headquarters of a bicycle advocacy group and also the home of the city’s only bike co-op, La Bici Cueva; we finally went to the Parque Clemente Orozco to visit the community murals painted by kids and teenagers, as well as the community gardens we’ve created since November 2012.

The event ended with a “paint-it-yourself” action at a crosswalk that connects the park with the local clinic. As we covered our shoes with paint and walked back and forth over the pedestrian crossing, we made the space safer and satirized the municipality of Guadalajara, which has ignored pedestrian rights for decades. We gave all attendees a set of questions, based on the methodology of the Women’s Safety Audit walk (WSA), about which aspects of the street made them feel unsafe and which places were friendlier. Their answers helped us identify some unsafe spots on Santa Tere. Femibici, a collective of women cyclists in Guadalajara, who were one of the groups organizing this year Jane’s Walk, used the information to design a bike ride with the theme of women’s safety in cities.

Walk participants were also given a bunch of citizen-made tickets (Multa Ciudadana) to put on illegally parked cars that block crossings, sidewalks and pedestrian spaces. Did we mention we brought a wheelchair to the walk? Participants took turns with it all along the route, so that each could experience the challenges our sidewalks present to wheelchair users. There was a moment of tension during the walk when a car was blocking a handicap ramp and the driver wasn’t willing to move; he changed his mind when the girl using the wheelchair handed him a citizen ticket. It was a learning experience for everyone.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Goa (Panaji)

The Travelling Dome

The Travelling Dome, led by Architect Tallulah D Silva and Eco designer Vishal Rawlley teams up with Urban Academic Richa Narvekar to take you on a walk of important historically and ecologically sensitive zones in Goa, in solidarity with Jane’s Walks. For more information about our Jane’s Walks, visit our Instagram page.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Letizia Montalbano Il Giardino del Guasto

Jane’s Walk Bologna is organized by Letizia Montalbano Il Giardino del Guasto. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, get in touch using the contact information below.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Jane’s Walk Culiacán

Jane’s Walk Culiacán está organizado por un grupo de personas interesadas en la peatonalización. Para obtener más información sobre los Jane’s Walks locales o participar, comuníquese con Nancy López al 667 1394551.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Colectivo Sentido Común

Jane’s Walk in Colima is organized by Colectivo Sentido Común. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, get in touch using the contact information below.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?