Milwaukee, WI

Dominic Inouye (ZIP MKE)

We embody urban activist Jane Jacobs’ legacy by organizing free, resident-led neighborhood explorations and building community connections through observation and dialogue, education and storytelling, and collectively reimagining and changing the places in which Milwaukeeans live, work, and play. We envision a Milwaukee that has, to borrow from Jane Jacobs’ The Death and Life of Great American Cities, “the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, [it is] created by everybody.” In 2018, we led off the month of May with a grand kick-off celebration at the home of Milwaukee Turners, then explored the city with 36 walks, bikes, and paddles. From Westlawn Gardens in the north to Lincoln Avenue in the south, from Hawthorn Glen in the west to Milwaukee’s East Side, more than 900 registrants, including eight business improvement districts participated.​​ Join us in May 2019 as Jane’s Walk MKE helps change the way we not only explore and see the city but also the way we tell its story.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Winnipeg, MB

Winnipeg Arts Council

We believe that sharing a walk (or ride or roll) is a powerful tool for community change, and we hope that you’ll take part! 

Jane’s Walk is an annual festival of free, citizen-led walking conversations inspired by citizen activist Jane Jacobs. On the first weekend of May every year, Jane’s Walk festivals take place in hundreds of cities around the world. Jane’s Walks encourage people to share stories about their neighbourhoods and discover unseen aspects of their communities. Celebrating Jane’s ideas and principles, we encourage walking together to create connections between creativity and community, to engage experiences as both observers and participants, and for shared reflection, questioning, and re-imagining.

Winnipeg Walks take place May 3rd through the 5th, 2024. Join us! *Walks are FREE and open to anyone, accessibility information will be provided with each walk summary as they are posted, they are non-commercial and non-partisan, and they are meant to encourage and support dialogue.*

Get outside and engage with us on Instagram! Follow us @JanesWalkWinnipeg and tag your posts with #JanesWalkWinnipeg

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Share your story below!

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Antonella Piazza

Jane’s Walk Palagona is organized by Antonella Piazza. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, contact Antonella Piazza at

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Peizazhe te Fjales

Jane’s Walk Tirana is organized by Peizazhe te Fjales. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, contact Peizazhe te Fjales at

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Associazione hub MAT

Associazione hub.MAT is a non-profit organisation promoting sustainable and active mobility and liveable public space in Olbia, the well known tourist destination located in Sardinia, Italy. The city has grown following the tourist boom with prioritizing roads connecting port and airport to the tourist resorts on urban planning for residents.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first one here? Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?



FASadE brings people together who involve in shaping the city and the landscape. Being a non-profit cultural organization we inspire by organizing debats, excursions and exhibitions. By leading Jane’s walks we make inhabitants aware of their surroundings and designers and developers conscious of the social impact of their designs and plans.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers.

June 2022 – Jane’s Walk Hoefkwartier door Eugene Zaaijer ism FASadE

City Organizer: Eugene Zaaijer ism FASadE
Walk Leader:
Jane’s Walk Hoefkwartier door Eugene Zaaijer ism FASadE
Text by:
Eugene Zaaijer
Photographs by:
Irene Edzes en Rufus de Vries

Het Hoefkwartier is een voormalig bedrijvenpark dat getransformeerd wordt naar een nieuwe Amersfoortse woonwijk. Sommige kantoren zijn al omgevormd tot woningen. En sinds kort bewonen ook Oekraïense gezinnen enkele kantoorpanden. De spelende kinderen maken meteen zichtbaar dat deze plek oorspronkelijk niet is ontworpen om te wonen en te spelen. Bij gebrek aan openslaande deuren naar wurmen kinderen zich via het raam naar buiten. Uitgebreide parkeervlaktes onderbroken trottoirs en doorgaande wegen zetten er nu nog de toon. De transformatie van werkplek naar gemengde woonwijk zal jaren in beslag gaan nemen. Maar de eerste tekenen van gemeenschapsvorming tekenen zich al wel af.

September 2019 – Jane’s Walk Kattenbroek door Irene Edzes

City Organizer: Jane’s Walk Kattenbroek door Irene Edzes
Walk Leader:
Irene Edzes
Text by:
Irene Edzes
Photographs by:
Rufus de Vries

Weinig nieuwbouwwijken bieden zoveel route-opties langs verrassende plekken als de beroemde wijk Kattenbroek. De Jane’s walk, zo lieten bewoners weten, had nog langs vele andere mooie plekken kunnen leiden. Nu het groen tot wasdom is gekomen toont de wijk Kattenbroek zich als een wijk rijk aan sferen. Grote open ruimtes contrasteren met intieme hofjes en samlle doorsteekjes. En telkens zijn er de lange zichtlijnen die de wijk verbindt met het landschap eromheen. De wijk is niet gemengd: vrijwel alle voorzieningen zijn geconcentreerd in winkelcentrum Emiclaer.

September 2019 – Jane’s Walk Berg-Zuid, Eugene Zaaijer ism FASade

City Organizer: Eugene Zaaijer ism FASadE
Walk Leader:
Jane’s Walk Hoefkwartier door Eugene Zaaijer ism FASadE
Text by:
Eugene Zaaijer
Photographs by:
Rufus de Vries

De wandeling voerde door statige lanen en langs smalle olifantenpaadjes. Berg-Zuid staat bekend als een deftige wijk in Amersfoort. Diverse dwardoorsteekjes illustreerden dat het woningaanbod diverser is dan in eerste instantie gedacht. Van de door Jane Jacobs zo vurig bepleitte functiemenging is hier nauwelijks sprake. Berg-Zuid is een bijzonder rustige woonbuurt, waar zo liet een bewoner weten, wel sociale initiatieven plaatsvinden zoals een ‘walking dinner’. Bij de bakker aan de Leusderweg kwamen de verhalen los. 

Een opengebroken straat bracht de discussie op het verduurzamen van de wijk. Bij het Postzegelpark aan de Leusderweg onstond een spontaan gesprek met een vrijwilliger die enthousiast bijdraagt aan dit tijdelijke, groene bewonersinitiatief. Zij sprak ook over het sociale contact dat voortkomt uit dit initiatief.

May 2019 – Jane’s walk Amersfoort City Center

City Organizer: Baudouin Knaapen
Walk Leader:
Jane’s walk Amersfoort City Center by Baudouin Knaapen
Text by:
Baudouin Knaapen
Photographs by:
Rufus de Vries

De route van de Jane’s walk is door FASadE steeds wat bijgesteld omdat bewoners met suggesties kwamen: iets verder doorlopen is een heel mooi moeras, stukje naar rechts woont een buurman met een gave tuin. Het leverde een verrassende route op met aanstekelijke, enthousiaste verhalen. Op een voormalig ongure parkeerplek hebben bewoners een mooie groenstrook veroverd met een bankje, waterpomp, hangmathaken en collectief gieterplan. Sindsdien is er veel meer onderling contact.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?

Windsor-Essex, ON

Sarah Morris

The Windsor-Essex Jane’s Walk Festival is two weekends of free community events and guided walking tours throughout the region. These events are hosted by volunteers and celebrate local neighbourhood.

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Want yours to be the first story here? Share your experience with us below!

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Emanuela Coppola

Naples is a Mediterranean metropolis of great interest that offers the possibility to know different community stories and urban places. Jane’s Walk Naples is organized by Emanuela Coppola with “Riscatto Urbano” association. To learn more about Jane’s Walk or get involved contact Emanuela at and visit our FB page!

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers. Share your experience with us below.

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?


Jane’s Walk Colchester

Jane’s Walk Colchester is organized by Walk Colchester. To learn more about local Jane’s Walks or get involved, contact Rowena Macaulay at

Walk Stories

Walk stories are chronicles of moments, ideas, insights, and images from a Jane’s Walk, curated and submitted by local participants, walk leaders, and city organizers.

Jane’s Walk Colchester Walk Story

Photographer:Julia Easter

We had a great walk experience right on our doorstep, taking back paths and seeing a whole new side to our home streets. I’ve a passion for street art, and had the opportunity to snap some new work into my collection as we’ve seemingly a new graphiti movement trying to create something cool and cute to look at rather than the scruffy and annoying “tags”. We also finally went through an underpass that shows another range of street art contributed to by local school
Kids… opening your eyes to what’s in front of you every day. What a great movement, thank you!
Walk leader: Belinda Hythe

Check out Colchester Jane’s Walk Story Blog!

Did you participate in a Jane’s Walk in this city?